Funded Research
- Co-Investigator, 2022—, “Droned Life: Data, Narrative, and the Aesthetics of Worldmaking” (UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship, PI Dr. Beryl Pong, Centre for Drones and Culture, Cambridge). Working in partnership with the Imperial War Museum Institute, Drone Wars UK, and Human Studio Limited, the project is creating dialogues between public and industry stakeholders in the drone world, creating research-led artworks (to be exhibited in spaces such as the Imperial War Museum) that explore the relationships between drone technology and society.
- Co-Investigator, 2024: “Museum Visitor Experience and the Responsible Use of AI to Communicate Colonial Collections” (AHRC BRAID, PI Dr. Joanna Tidy, Sheffield). Working with Leeds Royal Armouries to scope the attitudes of public and industry stakeholders towards AI technologies, exploring their potential to be applied thoughtfully and responsibly to help investigate and ultimately communicate the colonial histories threaded throughout the Armouries’ collection. See also:
- Carter, R. 2022. Signals. Guillemot Press. Available at:
- Carter, R. (Forthcoming). War Machine. Punctum.
Book Chapters
- Carter, R. 2024. “Waveform: Writing across Oceans, Air and Algorithms”. Ambient Stories in Practice and Research – Digital Writing in Place. Ed. Amy Spencer. Bloomsbury. See:
- Carter, R. 2024. “Speculative Visions—Drones, Digital Art, and Ecological Concerns”. Drones in Society: New Visual Aesthetics. Ed. Elisa Serafinelli. Palgrave. See:
- Carter, R. 2021. “Inscriptions to the Stars: Time, Space, and Extra-terrestrial Textualities”. The Future of Text II. Ed. Hegland, F. Future Text Publishing: Southampton. DOI:
- Carter, R. 2020. “Signal Generators: Digital Text in a Damaged Ecology”. The Future of Text. Ed. Hegland, F. Future Text Publishing: Southampton. DOI:
- Carter, R. 2020. “Waves to Waveforms”. The Machine as Artist/The Machine as Art. Eds. Leymarie, F, Bessette, J, and Smith, G.W. MDPI: Bern. DOI:
Journal Articles and Peer Reviewed Publications
- Martindale, S., Hook, J. D. & Carter, R. A. 2025. “A Collective Interdisciplinary Agenda for Immersive Storytelling: Editorial Analysis”. Convergence.
- Carter, R. 2025. “Book Review: Nonhuman Witnessing: War, Data, and Ecology After the End of the World, by Michael Richardson”. Continuum. DOI:
- Carter, R. 2025. “Lines of Flight”. Media+Environment 6(2). DOI:
- Carter, R. 2024. “Art, Ecology, and AI: Envisioning More-than-Human Landscapes”. Visual Culture in Britain. DOI:
- Carter, R. 2024. “Algorithmic Light”. The Digital Review 4. DOI:
- Carter, R. 2023. “Satellite Poetics and Provocations”. Cultural Geographies “Digital Ecologies in Practice” 0(0). DOI:
- Carter, R. 2023. “Machine Visions: Mapping Depictions of Machine Vision through Critical Image Synthesis”. Open Library of Humanities Journal “Cultural Representations of Machine Vision” 9(2). DOI:
- Carter, R. 2023. “Topographic Algorithms: Reimagining Environmental Sensing and Representation”. Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology “Reimagining AI” 9(2) 227-244. DOI:
- Carter, R. 2023. “Generative Unknowing: Nathan Allen Jones’ Glitch Poetics”. Electronic Book Review. Available at:
- Ng, J., and Carter, R. 2022. “Wayfaring in Space: Story as Environmental Encounters in Ruins (2011) and Sacramento (2016)”. New Techno Humanities 2(2) 113-120. DOI:
- Carter, R. 2022. “Executable Landscapes: Speculative Platforms and Environmental E-Literature”. Electronic Book Review. DOI:
- Carter, R. 2021. “Orbital Reveries: Satellite Textscapes and Reframing the Multispectral Gaze”. The Digital Review 1. DOI:
- Carter, R. 2020. “Waveform”. IJCMR Digital Ecologies “Fiction Machines” 5. Available at [Archived]:
- Carter, R. 2020. “Electronic Literature and the Anthropocene”. Electronic Book Review. DOI:
- Carter, R. 2019. “Tweeting the Cosmos: On the Bot Poetry of The Ephemerides.” Convergence 26(4) 990-1006. DOI:
- Carter, R. 2018. “Waves to Waveforms: Performing the Thresholds of Sensing and Sense-Making in the Anthropocene”. Arts 7(4). DOI:
- Carter, R. 2018. “Writing, Weaving, and Performativity: Some Notes on Solid State Poetry”. The Writing Platform. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2017. “Drone Poetry: On Deploying Sensory Technologies as Tools of Writing”. The Writing Platform. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2016. “Virtual Literatures: Technology, Agency, Meaning”. Countertext 2(3) 338-355. DOI:
Articles (non-refereed)
- Carter, R. 2021. “A Review of Sascha Engel’s Twenty-One Computations”. Babel Tower Notice Board. Available at [Archived]:
- Carter R. 2020. “A Review of Sarah Cave’s Perseverance Valley”. Babel Tower Notice Board. Available at [Archived]:
- Carter, R. 2019. “The Book and its Algorithm”. Artist’s Book Yearbook 2020-21. Impact Press. Available at:
Proceedings (refereed)
- Carter, R. 2024. “Aeolian AI: Generative art and Environmental Computing”. EVA 2024, July 2024. BCS Electronic Workshops in Computing. DOI:
- Carter, R. 2021. “Executable Landscapes: Speculative Platforms for Ecological E-Literature”. ELO 2021: Platform (Post?) Pandemic, May 2021. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2018. “Airborne Inscription: Writing with Drones”. EVA 2018, July 2018. BCS Electronic Workshops in Computing. DOI:
Research Practice
This section details specific works that have been published standalone and excludes those created for exhibitions or for academic publications.
Artist’s Books and Digital Artworks
- Carter, R. 2024. Digital Poem: Agentia. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2023. Artist’s Book: Text-Image. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2023. Artist’s Book: Machine Visions. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2023. Artist’s Book: Mindshadow. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2023. Artist’s Book: Orbital Reveries. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2023. Artist’s Book: Waveform [online edition]. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2022. Artist’s Book: Swipe. Paperview Books. Available at: See also:
- Carter, R. 2022. Artist’s Book: Emergent Typography. Paperview Books. Available at: See also:
- Carter, R. 2020. Zine: “The Landsat Reverie”. ZinesInDarkTimes. See:
- Carter, R. 2020. Artist’s Book: Flowpath. Available at:
Anthologies and Journals
- Carter, R. 2024. E-Print Anthology: What We Did During the Apocalypse. Ed. Richard Capener. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2023. Print Anthology: “Logic Gardens”. Seeing in Tongues. Ed. James Knight. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2022. Online Anthology: Waveform. Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 4. The Electronic Literature Organisation. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2021. Print and Online Anthology: “Orbital Reveries [#5]”. Poetrishy 1. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2021. Online Journal: “Martian Reveries No 1 & No 2”. Summerlude 2021: Cosmos. Pareidolia Literary. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2021. Online Journal: “Swipe”. Osmosis Press Featured Writing. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2021. Print Anthology: “Orbital Reveries [#3]”. The Mouth of a Lion: Visual Poetry from the End of the World. Ed. James Knight. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2020. Online Anthology: “Orbital Reveries [#3]”. Streetcake Magazine. 70, Part 1. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2020. Print Anthology: “Orbital Reveries [#2]”. Rewilding: An Ecopoetic Anthology. Crested Tit Collective. Available at [Archived]: Review by Susie Campbell available at [Archived]:
- Carter, R. 2020. Online Anthology: “A. Square Tweets Recollections of Spaceland”. Taper 5. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2020. Print and Online Anthology: “Flow”. code::art 1. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2019. Print and Online Anthology: “Solid State Poetry”. para text 7. Available at [Archived]:
Academic Presentations
- Carter, R. 2025. “Lines / Waves / Volumes—Mapping Agency across Land, Sea, and Air”. Livingmaps More-than-Human Mappings. Senate House, University of London, London, April 2025.
- Carter, R. 2025. “There Should be No Digital Art – Troubling Digital Creativity with Permacomputing Practices”. Association of Art History Annual Conference. University of York, April 2025.
- Carter, R. 2025. Invited: “AI Imaginaries and Implications for Heritage Collections”. AI Avatars for Visitor Engagement – Opportunities and Ethics Workshop. National Trust, Swindon, February 2025.
- Carter, R. 2024. Invited Keynote: “Extractive Pasts and Generative Futures – Reworking the Imaginaries, Ecologies, and Colonialities of AI and Heritage Collections”. Artefacts XXIX/Congruence Engine Final Conference. Science Museum, London, October 2024. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2024. Invited: “Archiving the Age of Noise: AI, Art, and Meaning”. CNCI Digitisation and Cataloguing Subcommittee Seminar 2024. Crawford Art Gallery, Cork, September 2024. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2024. Invited: “Instruments of Ecopoetic Mapping”. MeCCSA 2024: Transcending the Permacrisis, Manchester Metropolitan University, September 2024. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2024. “More-than-Human Media”. ELO 2024 Conference and Media Arts Festival, University of Central Florida, July 2024. Available at:, and
- Carter, R. 2024. “Aeolian AI: Generative art and Environmental Computing”. EVA 2024, British Computer Society, July 2024. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2024. “Alien Media: Writing/Coding After the Human”. Code as Conversation, University of Cambridge, June 2024. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2023. Invited: “Atmospheric Textualities”. ELO 2023 Conference and Media Arts Show. University of Coimbra, July 2023. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2022. Invited: “What is the history of remote sensing? History of Science, sensing, and colonial entanglements”. CRASSH Research Network. “Remote Sensing. Ice, Instruments, Imagination”. University of Cambridge, October 2022. Available at: See also:
- Carter, R. 2022. “Drone Art and Ecological Concerns—Towards a Speculative Drone Aesthetics”. Drones in Society: New Visual Aesthetics. University of Sheffield, September 2022. Available at [Archived]:
- Carter, R. 2022. “Drone Outlooks and Digital Textscapes: Experimental Sensory Practices for Expanded Environmental Imaginaries”. DHRA 2022. Kingston School of Art, September 2022. Available at [Archived]: See also:
- Carter, R. 2022. “A Speculative Satellite Poetics: Performing the Potentials of Earth Observation Data through Artistic Research”. Digital Ecologies in Practice. University of Bonn, July 2022. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2021. Invited: “Digital Art beyond Technical Reflexivity: Experiments, Environments, Concepts”. STEAM: The movement towards creative STEM learning. Digital Education Futures Initiative, University of Cambridge, August 2021. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2021. Invited: “In the Wake of Waveform”. Fiction Machines Part III, Bath-Spa University, July 2021.
- Carter, R. 2021. Invited: “Arts of the Datacene: Sensing and Narrating a Technogenic Future”. Curating Art and Nature: The Knowledge of the Curator III, University of Groningen, July 2021. Available at [Archived]:
- Carter, R. 2021. “Land/Code/Text: Digital Writing and Speculative Environmental Sensing”. (Re)Imagined Landscapes Symposium, University of Bristol, June 2021. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2021. “Executable Landscapes: Speculative Platforms for Ecological E-Literature”. ELO 2021: Platform (Post?) Pandemic, May 2021. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2021. “Datacene: Nonhuman Perception in the Art of the Anthropocene”. Art + Anthropocene: Culture, Climate and Our Changing Planet, University of York, March 2021. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2021. “Algorithmic Light—Sensory Entanglements and Executable Environments”. Process, Practice, and Environmental Crisis, University of York, February 2021. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2020. Invited: “The Future of Text: Emergent Ecologies”. The Future of Text Symposium, London, November 2020. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2019. “Electronic Literature in the Anthropocene”. The Electronic Literature Organization Conference and Media Arts Festival (ELO 2019), University College Cork, July 2019. Available at:, and
- Ng, J., and Carter, R. 2019. “Wayfaring in Time—The Ambient Storytelling of Wandering Games”. MIX 2019, Bath-Spa University, July 2019. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2019. “Entangling Air, Sea, and Sensors: Wavescapes and Waveforms”. Moving Literary Geographies, Royal Holloway, June 2019. See
- Carter, R. 2019. “Sensing the Anthropocene—Detectors, Drones, and Data-Driven Poetry”. Art in the Anthropocene, Trinity College Dublin, June 2019. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2018. “Airborne Inscription: Writing with Drones”. EVA 2018 BCS Electronic Workshops in Computing, British Computer Society, July 2018. DOI:
- Carter, R. 2018. “Reading the Waveform: Deterritorializing the Sensory”. EVA Copenhagen, Aalborg University, May 2018. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2017. “Aeroculture: Writing the Nonhuman in the Age of the Anthropocene”. MIX 2017: Writing Digital, Bath Spa University, July 2017. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2017. “Reading the Waveform: Deterritorializing the Sensory in Drone based Arts Practice”. MeCCSA PGN Conference 2017 Borders & Boundaries: Territories, Technologies, Transgressions, Goldsmiths, University of London, June 2017.
- Carter, R. 2017. “Enacting the Nonhuman Eye: Digital Visualisation as Performative Knowledge-Making Practice”. New Perspectives in Digital Humanities, Kings College London, May 2017. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2016. “Digital Literature & The Entanglements of Networked Agency”. Looking for Agency: The Politics of the Material and Beyond, University College London, March 2016.
- Carter, R. 2015. “Entanglements and Interventions: Exploring the Digital World through Art”. Kinesis and Stasis, London Barbican, November 2015.
- Carter, R. 2015. “Defining the Digital Arts: A Case Study in Digital Literature”. Blue Skies Above, Solid Ground Below: Innovation and Sustainability in Digital Humanities, King’s College London, June 2015.
- Carter, R. 2014. “God’s Eye View: The Digital Earth from Orbit”. Green Connections: Environmental Response & the Arts, University of Exeter, September 2014.
- Carter, R. 2014. “Data Space: Discovering the Digital Cosmos”. Cosmographies, Falmouth University, July 2014.
Public Engagement
Media Coverage
- Lupetti, M. 2025. “Ecco quali sono stati i migliori 10 videogiochi del 2024 [Here are the top 10 video games of 2024]”. Artribune, 7 January. Available at:
- Ennis, M. 2024. “York arts community optimistic in face of AI”. Nouse, 25 November.
- Evans-Thirlwell, E. 2024. “In pensive browser game Agentia, you can explore and assemble poetry as a beetle, a dinosaur or an island”. Rock, Paper, Shotgun, 5 September. Available at:
- Brown, G. 2024. AI and the Museum and Heritage Sector [Television News Interview]. That’s TV, 19 February.
- Ferreira, B. 2022. “How to Write Poetry to Communicate With Aliens”. VICE, 28 June. Available at:
- McCabe, C. 2022. “Next gen poetry publishers show us the way”. The Bookseller, 8 June. Available at:
- Russell, S. 2020. “Why take something inherently digital and make it physical?” Mazzotti Books, 7 April. Available at:
Invited Public Talks
- Carter, R. 2023. Invited: “Waveform”. Wait, this is Poetry? The Common Press, November 2023.
- Carter, R. 2022. Invited: “Encoding Signals – Writing the Alien”. OulipoToAI, October 2022.
- Carter, R. 2022. Invited: “Signals”. Guillemot Press Book Launch, 17 March 2022.
- Carter, R. 2021. Invited: “Algorithms, Waveforms, and Orbital Reveries”. Runnymede Literary Festival, March 2021.
- Carter, R. 2021. Invited: “Writing with Algorithms”. ArtBlab, March 2021. Available at: See also:
- Carter, R. 2020. Invited: Artists’ Books Now: Futures. British Library, February 2020. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2021. Invited: “Waveform”. But There is No Land Near the End. Glasgow School of Art, March 2018. See:
- Carter, R. 2015. Invited: Wor(l)ds in Collision—Art, Poetry and Wittgenstein. University of Exeter, June 2015.
- Carter, R. 2014. Invited: The Long Goodbye: A Conversation across a Century. University of Exeter, August 2014.
- Pong, B., Carter, R., da Costa-Abreu, M., Gaeta, A., and Tidy, J. 2025. “Dronotope: The Politics of Timelines and Data Visualisation”. Cambridge Festival. University of Cambridge. See:
- Carter, R. 2024. Invited: “Signals [Video and Poster Installation]”. Milky Way Tour. Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma | Finnish National Gallery. Available at:
- Pong, B., Carter, R., da Costa-Abreu, M., Gaeta, A., Kacmaz-Milne, Z., and Tidy, J. 2024. “Beware Blue Skies: The Psychology of Drone Warfare”. War on the Mind. Imperial War Museum, London. Available at: See also:
- Carter, R. 2024. “Waveform”. New Generations. LCB Depot. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2022. “Waveforms”. Filter Insta-Zine: Instagram Storytelling and Zine Culture. The NEXT. Available at:
- Carter, R. 2021. “Waveform [film]”. Computer Vision Art Gallery, Ethical Considerations in Creative applications of Computer Vision (EC3V). 2021 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). Available at:
- Carter, R. 2020. “The Aftermath Atlas”. After Progress. Available at [Archived]:
- Carter, R. 2020. “Orbital Reveries [#1]”. Trånslatiøns. Mellom Press. Available at [Archived]:
- Carter, R. 2019. “Waveform”. Peripheries: Electronic Literature and New Media Art. Glucksman Gallery. Available at:
Press Releases
- University of York. 2024. “York academic co-creates immersive film to explore the psychological impact of drone warfare”, 5 December. Available at:
- University of York. 2024. “University of York part of project to look at how AI could reshape the museum and heritage sector”, 15 February. Available at:
- University of Roehampton. 2021. “Roehampton academic presents experimental writing at Runnymede Literary Festival”, 31 March. Available at [Archived]:
Other Activities
- Organiser, Facilitator, Speaker: Colonial Collections and the Responsible Use of AI in Museums and Heritage. Leeds Royal Armouries, June 2024.
Workshop was organised as part of the AHRC BRAID funded project “Museum Visitor Experience and the Responsible Use of AI to Communicate Colonial Collections“, of which I am a Co-I. This event sought to inform and generate new knowledge and understanding concerning current and potential approaches to responsible AI and colonial material within a museum and heritage context, drawing on the participant’s perspectives in this area. Presented on foundational questions concerning the nature various AI technologies and outlined some of its emerging applications. Facilitated group discussions. See
- Centre Representative and Public Interviewer: From Sniper to Smartphone: Hybrid Warfare and the New Face of Conflict. Imperial War Museum, November 2023. See:, and, and
Symposium was organised by the Centre for Drones and Culture, of which I am a core team member, in conjunction with the Imperial War Museum Institute. This public event was designed to publicly debate the contemporary status of “hybrid warfare” and the role of advanced digital technologies in enabling it. The data gathered from public interviews during the event will form the basis of a future impact case study.
- Invited Workshop: “Orbital Reveries”. Exploring Practices between the Arts, Sciences, and Humanities. CRASSH Research Network: Remote Sensing: Ice, Instruments, Imagination. University of Cambridge, April 2023. See:, and